Once upon a time a man stepped on moon.
Exactly after 49 years.
A man sent a car to the mars.
Within no time technology has reached his peak and yet to climb.
And now its our responsibility to keep track of all this knowledge.
Instead of wasting our time on facebook and insta
We can use our quality and precious time in gaining knowledge.
Apart from reading books.
We can use these apps
And the list goes on...
1: Quora
3: Wolfram Alpha
4: Duolingo
5: Wikipedia
6: Quartz
7:Google translate
Image source: https://www.google.co.in/?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwil-Lmoxe7ZAhVCkpQKHY7UDdwQOwgC
Hope this helps!!!!
Thank you!!!!
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